Welcome To ScamRat
ScamRat is a crowd sourced database of potential scams on the internet. People can search for websites/domains, email addresses, phone numbers and social media usernames that may be potential scams or where other people have been scammed in the past.
The idea behind ScamRat is people helping other people not to be scammed. ScamRat allows people to make informed decisions on whether to proceed with a transaction from the input of others.
To use ScamRat, simply go to www.scamrat.org and select what you are searching for
Enter in the domain, phone, email or username into the search box and then click the Check button
You'll then be taken to a page where you can mark the search results as a scam, probable scam or a trusted site/phone/email/social.
You can also view a graph of other user submissions over the last 30 days.
Or write a comment about your experience with the site/phone/email/user